Reading the room, the society, the cultureStand-up comedians and public lecture experts in churches, union halls, and school board meetings learn to “read the room.” This means…Feb 26Feb 26
Musk-ovites in West Michigan drive TeslaAlthough the dictionary says ‘muscovite’ is a resident of Moscow, with the invitation by #TrumpConvictedFelon for Elon Musk to run rampant…Feb 18Feb 18
Drone pictures — habits and learning curveBoth skills are important to study, then practice, then learn from by scrutinizing the results and the process, too: camera work AND…Jan 30Jan 30
Warning to readers, AI-generated abstractTelling readers up front when Artificial Intelligence is part of the presentation seems the most honest approach to incorporating the…Jan 29Jan 29
Many faces of the pilgrimage figuresAfter a series of famines in the 1830s here (likely global cooling from major volcanic clouds) in rural west Japan a group of people…Dec 26, 2024Dec 26, 2024
The economy of mutual care in JapanAfter 40 years of studying the language and people of Japan now and historically, my anthropological lens is finally able to see what…Dec 15, 2024Dec 15, 2024
Navigating the Shikoku Pilgrimage routeAlthough a Japanese smartphone with cell service would give accurate GPS locations (or a foreign phone with rental SIM card from the…Dec 8, 2024Dec 8, 2024
Learning to notice things makes richer lifeWondering how a spider could weave a sheet of silk that defies gravity; stopping mid-stride to look with admiration at the shadow projected…Sep 1, 2024Sep 1, 2024
Cultural landscape of many elementsBefore mid-morning the summer morning is still pleasant. And with almost no breeze, it is suitable for flying a hobby drone with camera to…Jul 31, 2024Jul 31, 2024
Looking from above affects impressions gainedDepending on the photographer’s purpose (illustrating a section of text, documenting a place or event, satisfying a creative urge to…Jul 24, 2024Jul 24, 2024